
Over 15 years ago, while working for King-Hall, Wiz-Team founder and CEO Johann Woringer and his colleagues found themselves increasingly frustrated by the lack of a user-friendly and cost-effective event management solution in the industry. So they decided to create one themselves.

After much blood, sweat and tears, they eventually developed Event-Works, the all-in-one web-based event management platform that was launched in 2011. One year later, Johann founded Wiz-Team, five years ago this week.

One thing is certain: Wiz-Team and its Event-Works have evolved greatly over the years. In 2017, Wiz-Team served 40+ clients and produced 60+ events, 60% in the sports domain, 30% for governments and NGOs and 10% for corporations. The company’s new delegate app, ToGo, was used 18’000 times in 2017 by its 2’500+ active users.

“At Wiz-Team, we pride ourselves at being Event Managers first and foremost – not merely IT specialists,” said Johann. “This gives us the competitive advantage to really understand our clients’ needs and to translate them into a system process. Having on-the-ground experience at congresses, gala dinners and large sport events allows us to put ourselves in the shoes of our clients and provide them with solutions that are user-friendly and perfectly tailored to their requirements – making the lives of event mangers easier while saving them a lot of time.”

While looking ahead to a number of exciting projects in the new year, Wiz-Team can also look back at 2017 with quiet satisfaction. The company updated its ToGo delegate app, giving it a new look with added options such as social media links, personalised agendas, and a search function for attendees. The app was successfully used at several events throughout the year (SAP Forum 2017, Austria; World Sailing Annual Conference 2017, Mexico; FEI General Assembly 2017, Uruguay; FIM General Assembly & Awards 2017, Andorra). 

Also new to Event-Works in 2017 was SitPlan, a seating and check-in app successfully used at a number of events, including the ANOC General Assembly in Prague.

Event-Works was also updated and improved with a Partners Module allowing for the back-office creation of coordinators with dedicated front-office access where they can either nominate or register a given number of participants.

“We used the Partners Module at our 2017 General Assembly in Uruguay to register our 134 National Federations,” said Julie Schlaefli, Events Administrator, Secretary General’s Office at the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI). “The partners module allowed for grouped registration per National Federation and progressive/degressive payment fees. It was a huge time saver, very easy to use and intuitive.”

Wiz-Team has clearly come a long way in its first five years. Not one to rest on its laurels, however, the company has a number of exciting new projects in the pipeline for 2018, as COO Tim Goethals reveals: “We will continue to further improve our products and find new solutions for our clients, including back-office redesign, multiple invoices for online payments, an accreditation update for multi-sport events, a form builder update, surveys, push notifications for apps, and many more.” He added: “We will also launch new apps including Login, a dual authentication app allowing secured login to Event-Works, compliant with today’s security standards, and Manager, an event manager app allowing read-only access to Event-Works on smartphones.”

For more information, check out and follow Wiz-Team on Twitter and LinkedIn for updates on all products.