
Hot on the heels of a series of football scoops, yet another exclusive will be brought to fans of the beautiful game by UMBRO.COM, the football authority. On January 19th, the site will be showing a live webcast of the game between Celtic and Tampa Bay Mutiny, only at

The webcast gives Celtic fans worldwide a unique chance to see the Bhoys in action. The game won’t be shown on TV, so UMBRO.COM is the only place you’ll be able to follow Martin O’Neill’s men in this fascinating fixture. As an extra treat for diehard fans, the match will also be the first time their brand new home strip will be seen – for those who miss out on the webcast, the new kit won’t be revealed in the UK until March 17th.

In order to be a part of this global event, fans will need to register at UMBRO.COM’s advice is to do so soon – knowing the passion that fans of Celtic have for their team, interest in the webcast will be huge on both sides of the Atlantic.

The game itself promises to be a thrilling encounter. Tampa Bay Mutiny are just gearing up for the new season while Celtic are taking a break in the middle of theirs. The Mutiny finished second last year in their division of the Major League and look capable of improving on that when the season kicks off again this spring. Their star man, Carlos Valderrama, is back after a spell in Miami and – fresh from being voted the Colombian Player of the Century – is sure to control midfield with his own artistic brand of entertainment.

Celtic, who will bring a more direct style to Tampa, will start the match as clear favourites. Leading the Scottish Premier League by nine clear points, the Bhoys have only lost one league game all season, scoring freely along the way.

For further information please contact:

Thomas Burn
Fresh Communications
Tel: 020 7739 7744
Fax: 020 7729 4917