
Adecco has become a sponsor of Torino 2006; it is the ‘Official Supplier’ of human resources services for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

It will handle the recruitment, selection, and the training of the volunteers, and the professional development of the TOROC personnel.

The agreement was presented today in a press conference in Torino, with the participation of the Adecco Group CEO Jerome Caille, the general manager of Adecco Italia Carlo Scatturin, the TOROC president Valentino Castellani,
the director of human resources and organisation of the TOROC Elisabetta Luccitelli and Olympic champion, and Noi2006 ‘ambassador’ Piero Gros.Adecco will direct the recruitment, selection and training of the 20,000 volunteers through its 500 branches located all over Italy; 11 of these are in Torino.

It will be responsible for the basic training of the volunteers (comprehension of the role, of the Olympic system and the TOROC), and of the Noi2006 ‘team leaders’.

It will provide qualified personnel to the TOROC and will supply the information system for online recruitment.

Moreover, a group of professionals will plan within Adecco the processes of selection and training of the volunteers.Adecco will also take on the professional development of the TOROC personnel, also aimed at creating, at the end of the games, a link between the demand for work on the local and national territory and the offer of the competencies that will be leaving
the TOROC.The Adecco Group is a world leader in the field of human resources management.

The group is present in 67 countries with a network of 5,800 branches and 28,000 workers.

In Italy it has been active since 1997; it is the leader in human resources management and it can count on a network of 500 branches distributed over the entire national territory.

Each day Adecco offers work to more than 65,000 people around the world (30,000 in Italy), and solutions to over 250,000 companies (18,000 in Italy).

Adecco was a sponsor of Sydney 2000 where it contributed to the recruitment of over 70,000 people, including volunteers and temporary workers.

‘Adecco is a partner that is deeply rooted in the Italian economic context – said the president of the TOROC Valentino Castellani – which, thanks to its capillary presence on the national territory and to the professional quality of the services it offers, will help us in the recruitment, in the selection and in the training of the 20,000 volunteers needed for the Olympic and Paralympic Games of Torino 2006.

‘Moreover through a programme of professional development, it will facilitate the meeting of the demand and the offer of work for our personnel at the end of the Olympic and Paralympic experience’.

‘Being an ‘Official Supplier’ of Torino 2006 is a great opportunity, but also a great challenge – explained the managing director of Adecco Italia Carlo Scatturin – because handling the selection and the training of the
volunteers, we are an integrating part of this great Italian event.

‘Our role will be that of making people aware, and then involving them in the Noi2006 programme, not only at a local level but, through our 500 branches, on the entire national territory’.

The presentation of the sponsorship agreement with Adecco was also the occasion to introduce the Noi2006 communication campaign, and the information point at the Atrium for those who want to join the Volunteer Programme.

Some Torino 2006 volunteers, who had already worked at the FIS World Cup Finals, were present at the press conference.

For this special occasion, in the afternoon, Olympic champion, and Noi2006 ‘ambassador’ Piero Gros welcomed aspiring volunteers to the Atrium.

For more details contact:

Torino 2006 Press Office
Tel: +39 11 6310510
Fax: +39 11 6310574