
Sebastian Coe, London 2012 Chairman, will visit an East London school for the first time since winning the race for London to host the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games this Wednesday 5th October.

He will speak to students from Carpenters Primary School in Stratford, close to the site of the Olympic Park, at an assembly.  Also present will be Simphiwe Mbatha, the 9-year-old boy from South Africa, who featured in London’s winning video presentation in Singapore, and Amber Charles, London 2012’s Youth Ambassador who delivered London 2012’s Candidate File to the IOC, plus students from Langdon School who were also present in Singapore

WHAT:      School Assembly

WHEN:      9.30am – 10.15am, Wednesday 5th October

WHERE:    Carpenters Primary School, Friendship Way,
               Carpenters Road, Stratford, London, E15 2JQ

WHO:       Sebastian Coe, Simphiwe Mbatha, Amber Charles, students from Langdon School and Carpenters School

Media wishing to attend should contact Fran Edwards in the London 2012 Press Office on 0207 093 5100 or e-mail  Please have photographic identification to show on arrival at the school.