
Sochi: Russian International Olympic University (RIOU) students on the MSA (Master of Sport Administration) course began their observation programme at the 2014 Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix this week as the University continues to look to provide its students with practical management experience.

Running from 6 to 12 October, this specially designed programme includes visits to venues and presentations by key officials from the Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix Organising Committee. Interaction with professionals during the preparations and staging of the Grand Prix will provide the students with an excellent opportunity to gain first-hand experience in the management and organisation of a high-profile sporting event.  

The students will be split into several groups and tasked with working in different operational areas of the Organising Committee. These will include hotel accommodation, visitor management, brand design, transportation, safety control, and volunteer and media relations. To make the most of the observation programme, the students will keep reflective diaries, which will allow them to critically evaluate their participation in the event. Upon completion of the practice programme, each group will produce an informed report summarising their experiences. 

RIOU Rector Professor Lev Belousov said: “We ran a very successful observation programme for our students at the Sochi 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, and the new intake have a one-of-a-kind opportunity to immerse themselves in the operations behind Formula One. The organisation of this Grand Prix requires highly specialised expertise and tailored skills, so I believe our students will gain very useful experience.” 

In September 2014, RIOU signed a cooperation agreement with the Omega Centre for the Transfer of Building Technology of the Krasnodar Region, the company managing the organisation of the Russian Grand Prix. Under the agreement, the two parties will work together to set up a joint information platform for science and education, and provide RIOU’s MSA students with high quality training and employment opportunities upon graduation.  


The Autonomous Non-Profit Organisation “Russian International Olympic University” (RIOU) was established on 21 October 2009 under the Memorandum of Understanding between the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Sochi 2014 Organising Committee and the Russian Olympic Committee, and under a decree of the Russian Federation No 774. The founders of the University are the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation, the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC), the Sochi 2014 Organising Committee, and Interros private investment company. RIOU’s activities concentrate on training specialists in sports management for the Russian and international sports industry, and the Olympic and Paralympic Movements. RIOU’s courses cover major areas of sports education: management of sporting events and facilities, mass communications, diplomacy and administration, as well as career management.