
The Rugby Football League (RFL) today welcomed the decision by Sport England – the strategic lead for sport in England – to award £11.5 million of funding to the game over the next four years.

The decision was taken by Sport England’s Main Board, following the recommendation of the National Investment Panel, and took into account factors such as Rugby League’s achieving of participation and modernisation targets.

And the RFL Executive Chairman Richard Lewis believes the funding is a clear vindication of the sport’s success and advancements on a number of fronts.

Commenting on the news, he said: “This latest four year award from Sport England demonstrates that Rugby League is continuing along the correct strategic pathway. We are accomplishing a great deal and enjoying significant progress.

“The recent increases in participation, including the boosting of the women and girls game, the quality of our Performance programmes exemplified by the success of the Academy structure and our ongoing modernisation, with Rugby League Services working for the whole grass roots game, are all factors in this growth”.

Lewis also added: “Sport England also recognised Rugby League’s Whole Sport Plan as being a model example and so we can now continue working towards our major objectives with confidence”.

Also commenting, Sport England’s Chief Executive Roger Draper said: “This four year funding for Rugby League will ensure that they are in a strong position to increase participation and international success, building on the sport’s successes to date”.

Rugby League is one of 10 sports which are classified as a Priority Sport by Sport England.

The funding for a four year period has been allocated as part of Sport England’s new way of working to give governing bodies of sport greater control to deliver their own objectives.

Issued by the Rugby Football League Media Department

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