
Consultants PMP have delivered their final report into options for the future operation of the UK’s anti-doping programme. It concludes that, whilst some changes are needed, the national anti-doping organisation should remain within UK Sport.

The report was presented to UK Sport’s Council on Thursday which unanimously welcomed the findings and supported the recommendations subject to clarification on certain issues. The report will be considered by Sports Cabinet on 20 April.

Sue Campbell, Reform Chair at UK Sport, said: ‘UK Sport’s Council met last week to discuss, among other things, the PMP report into anti-doping in the UK. The opinion was that PMP had conducted a thorough review which had taken into account the views of key partners and practice internationally. We do, however, feel more work is needed to assess the possible impact of some of the recommendations laid out in the report.’

The main area of clarification sought regards suggested changes to the management and reporting structure of the drug-free sport team. The recommendation is to create a new, separate Board and to amend reporting lines within the team. Council, fully appreciating the importance of increased accountability and transparency, requested further work to look at the possible options with regards to implementing such changes.

PMP began in January 2004 and gathered information through a variety of methods. Online surveys have been filled in by 38 sports organisations and 47 competitors, with 39 face-to-face meetings held with partner organisations and governing bodies. In addition, comparisons were made with the anti-doping arrangements of six other nations: Australia, Canada, France, Norway, Sweden and the USA.

The key recommendations are to:

· retain the drug-free sport team as one of the key functions of UK Sport, however it should be reformed to address key weaknesses in the current system;

· review the current management and reporting structure of the team to ensure it is best placed to maintain the appropriate standards;

· seek to secure further resources for drug-free sport, focusing on policy development, international standing and education;

· seek to restore the trust and confidence of governing bodies and athletes through a new communication programme;

· formalise the partnerships with other areas of UK Sport and ensure that these arrangements are communicated to governing bodies.

Campbell said: ‘Personally I am pleased that, on the whole, the report is positive about our work and I have every faith in the team here to carry on delivering an effective anti-doping programme. However, it is clear from the report that there are lessons to be learnt and areas in which to improve. Overall, we believe that by implementing the recommendations made by PMP, the UK will be able to develop and run a world-class anti-doping system.’

For more information, contact Russell Langley in the UK Sport press office – 020 7211 5108 or 07880 740772.