
Red Earth Studio has been appointed as the new television production company for the 2004 Powerboat P1 World Championship, the fast emerging water based motor sport. The appointment is part of a new strategic direction for the Powerboat P1 World Championship brand, taken by rights owners KBL Powerboat Management Ltd.

Red Earth Studio is a cutting edge, independent television production company, specialising in sports magazine programming and performance sports filming targeted at the sought after 16-45 year old demographic. Recent clients include Adidas, The FA, Leo Burnett, JP Morgan, ITV and McDonald’s.

By utilising their experience in extreme sports TV production, RES will capture the fast paced and exciting world of powerboat racing in new and distinct programming that will make the sport and lifestyle attractive and accessible to boating fans and newcomers alike. Specific changes introduced by RES include the use of an unprecedented number of cameras, the development of new in-house graphics, and the composition of new extreme style music by Simon Woodgate.

Julien Mignonac – Executive Producer of Red Earth Studio said: ‘ We aim to create a completely new style of programming that captures the raw emotion and high adrenalin action of the sport, thus attracting a broader fan base and new broadcast sponsors.’

For further information on Powerboat P1 World Championship, contact Jane Rackham or Candice Wurcher at RDA Communications.

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