
The Finantial Manager and the Information Manager of Madrid 2012, Alfonso Hernández and Carlos Martín, have traveled to Lausanne Switzerland to present Madrid’s bid to the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The dossier, which the IOC demands to all the cities that wish to organize the Olympic Games, represents the first step in the career tackled by Madrid’s bid in altars of sheltering the 2012 Olympic Games.

The Chairman-CEO of Madrid 2012, Feliciano Mayoral, has assured that the city presents ‘an ideal model to shelter the Games’ and that the strong point of the bid is the ‘concentration and proximity’ of the sports areas. Mayoral considers that this one ‘is an historical moment’ for the city. ‘ It’s time in which Madrid presents its olympic model after an intense work of more than two years with national and international experts. We believe that it’s an ideal model for the organization of 2012 Olympic Games’, he says. ‘ The duties are done correctly and Madrid some day will have the Olympic Games ‘, Mayoral adds.

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