
ACE – one of the world’s leading providers of insurance and reinsurance – has today become an official Lord’s Partner.

ACE has also become MCC’s insurer; the Club had previously used the same insurance company since the early 1900s – when players such as W.G. Grace, Victor Trumper and Stanley Jackson were still appearing in first-class cricket.

The official partnership between the two organisations stems from the discussions which led to MCC appointing ACE as its insurer. As a result, the two organisations decided to deepen and broaden their commercial relationship, with ACE becoming a Lord’s Partner.

ACE will benefit from global advertising opportunities throughout the cricket season, plus year-round access to the excellent conference, banqueting and other facilities at Lord’s.

ACE’s partnership will enable MCC to continue investing in Lord’s, to ensure that it retains its world-class status, and further increase its contributions to cricket. Current ground improvement plans include an £8 million refurbishment of the historic Pavilion (a Grade II* listed building), while the Club’s contributions to cricket include the MCC Spirit of Cricket Challenge (which is being doubled in size for the 2004 season).

The Challenge introduces children to the game and the importance of good sportsmanship.

Commenting on today’s news, MCC’s Secretary & Chief Executive, Roger Knight, said:

‘This new partnership between MCC and ACE is an exciting development for both organisations.

It will enable MCC to achieve its objective of ensuring that Lord’s remains world-class, as well as world-famous. It will also ensure that we can continue investing in cricket development projects, for the long-term good of the game.

As well as becoming a Lord’s Partner, ACE has become MCC’s insurer. We are delighted to be developing such a close relationship with this internationally respected and market-leading firm.’

Carl Bach – President, ACE UK and Ireland – said:

‘ACE is proud to become both insurer and partner to MCC. We already have a long record of support for world-class sports and our association with cricket will complement this programme. We believe the future success of the game is dependent on attracting and nurturing new talent and, through ACE’s support, we hope to enable MCC to continue to bring the benefits and joys of this historic game to new audiences across the world.’

MCC is seeking, with Sponsorship Agency Frontiers Group, to recruit up to six Lord’s Partners. Each firm will come from a different business sector; its annual partnership payment will be a six-figure sum.

The Club announced its first Lord’s Partner agreement – with Deutsche Bank – last month.

For further information, please contact:

Iain Wilton
MCC’s Head of Communications
020 7616 8520

Jon Robinson
MCC’s Marketing Manager
020 7616 8561

David Morris
ACE Communications Manager
020 7173 7585

Matthew Vandrau
Frontiers Group 020 7323 2612