
Land Rover is proud to announce the renewal of their long-standing sponsorship of England Rugby and Premier Rugby for a further three years. In a move that reinforces the iconic four-wheel drive manufacturer’s commitment to rugby at both an international and national level, Land Rover will also continue to play an instrumental role in helping drive grassroots rugby across the country.

As the ‘Official Vehicle of England Rugby and Premier Rugby,’ the RFU and each Guinness Premiership club will benefit from the provision of an impressive Discovery 3. The award-winning seven-seat vehicles will be used by the twelve clubs’ community departments to encourage youth and community involvement across a range of rugby projects.

‘We are delighted that Land Rover have pledged their continued support for the game’, commented Jon Varney, Commercial Director of Premier Rugby. ‘The vehicles form an integral part of our community initiatives, allowing our clubs to be fully mobile in their communities, transporting kit, resources and players all over their respective regions.’

Land Rover’s support of England Rugby and Premier Rugby has already helped Premier Rugby Clubs reach over 1,500 schools, 400 junior rugby clubs and over 400,000 participants, some of whom will undoubtedly become the stars of tomorrow.

Andy Griffiths, Marketing Director of Land Rover UK, commented on the sponsorship renewal, ‘Land Rover has a proud history in rugby and we are delighted to support the continued growth of the game. The passion that the sport evokes at all levels and the power and performance that players exhibit on the rugby field are traits that epitomise Land Rover.’

To find out more about Land Rover’s rugby sponsorship, or their impressive range of models, please visit or call 0800 110 110.

Media Contacts

For further information on Land Rover, please contact:
Lighthouse Communications, Peter Laundy: 020 8812 3400
Land Rover, James Andrew: 01926 643 270

For further information on Premier Rugby, please contact:
Laura Bogard or Simon Lewis: 020 8334 8848/8828

For further information on England Rugby, please contact:
Mo Diprose: 0870 143 2416