
Monte Carlo – The IAAF yesterday received the decision of the Court of Arbitration of Sport (CAS) in the arbitration between IAAF and USA Track and Field and Jerome Young.

The CAS has decided that the Doping Appeal Board of USATF reached an erroneous decision when exonerating Jerome Young of a doping offence and that, accordingly, Jerome Young did indeed commit a Doping Offence on 26 June 1999.

CAS has also stated that, according to the relevant IAAF rules, Mr Young’s period of ineligibility should have been from 26 June 1999 to 25 June 2001.

IAAF President Lamine Diack said: ‘The IAAF is extremely pleased that a case that began in 1999 can now finally be closed. Although the suspension is now retroactive, it is important for the IAAF to demonstrate that doping offences, whenever they come to light, will be sanctioned according to our rules.’

The IAAF will now study the relevant competitions for the period from 26 June 1999 to 25 June 2001 before announcing revised results.

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The IAAF Communications Department at +377 93 10 88 88 or