
HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein pays tribute to Samsung Generations For Peace Award Winners

Exceptional peace building efforts of Pioneers recognised with Awards for innovation, quality, impact, and sustainability

Amman – October 14, 2012: HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein of Jordan, Founder and Chairman of Generations For Peace, paid tribute to the exceptional efforts of Generations For Peace Pioneers at the Samsung Generations For Peace Awards tonight. HRH Prince Feisal and Mr Fadi Awni Abu Shamat of Samsung presented Awards recognising achievement in four categories which are the shared focus of Samsung and Generations For Peace: innovation, quality, impact, and sustainability.

Faisal Abdi Artan, from Somalia, won the Award for Innovation. Abdi Artan’s programmes, integrating sport-based games and vocational skills training, have benefitted over 11,000 young Somalis in the last two years, turning youth away from extremist insurgent groups towards a more peaceful future.

Pavel Voloshchuk, from the Russian Federation, won the Award for Quality. Voloshchuk’s programmes are focusing on working with 400 children and youth from more than 100 different ethnic groups over five month of activity in the diverse communities in Sochi City. Voloshchuk’s meticulous planning, care in cascading, and responsiveness to feedback processes have ensured outstanding quality in his programme preparation and delivery.

Mohammad Asideh, from Palestine, won the Award for Impact. Following his own personal journey of change with Generations For Peace, Asideh’s programmes in Palestine are having extraordinary impact, training 300 leaders of youth and involving more than 3,500 children in five cities in the West Bank.

Hana’ Juma’h, from Jordan, won the Award for Sustainability. Juma’h embodies the spirit of volunteerism, and her extraordinary commitment and enthusiasm is driving programmes in Jordan and ensuring that the community beneficiaries involved are also committed to them. Her dedication to each one of her trainees is truly exceptional, and is fundamental to the sustainability and growth of the programmes.

The Awards were presented at a Gala Dinner concluding five intensive days of Advanced Training, at which 33 Generations For Peace volunteers from 15 different countries gathered for advanced level training in peace building, facilitation skills, sport-based games, advocacy and partnerships, and mentoring; each sharing and exchanging their success stories and best practices as well as their challenges and lessons learned.

During the training the young change-makers shared their motivation for volunteering with Generations For Peace to transform conflict in their communities. Zahid Johnson from Pakistan explained, “We are trying to impart the values of Generations For Peace, especially the active tolerance and responsible citizenship in the next generations that has the potential to become the next generations of terrorists and militants.”

Diah Ayuningtyas from Indonesia commented, “Why I’m doing this? I think because I care. And care comes from the heart. It’s like a wake up call for me, to take a role and play my role in my community to do something better”.

Congratulating the Award winners and other participants, HRH Prince Feisal said, “I think back to the humble beginning of Generations For Peace five years ago, and the vision and hopes we had to inspire peace and create a better future for children and youth in communities around the world. We are making progress toward our common goal: laying the foundations of sustainable peace for future generations, and building bridges of friendship, mutual respect and understanding across divided communities.”

President of Samsung Electronics Levant, Mr Bumsuk Hong praised Generations For Peace and the participants at the Advanced Training, “Our support for Generations For Peace fits within Samsung’s ‘Hope For Children’ programme. We are impressed with the growth and achievements of Generations For Peace over the past five years.” Samsung has been a partner of Generations For Peace since 2008.

Notes to Editor

Generations For Peace (GFP) is an Amman-based global non-profit organisation founded by HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein of Jordan and dedicated to sustainable peace building and the use of sport for conflict transformation.

By providing unique training and continuous mentoring support to volunteer leaders of youth, GFP empowers them to lead and cascade change in their communities, promoting active tolerance and responsible citizenship and working at the grass roots to address local issues of conflict and violence.

GFP programmes target adults and youth leaders who are influential in their communities; and children and adolescents who are the future of any community. Carefully-facilitated sport-based games and activities provide an entry point to engage children and adolescents, and a vehicle for integrated education and behavioural change.

Since 2007, GFP has trained and mentored more than 7,500 Delegates and Pioneers from more than 45 countries and territories in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe. These peace building efforts have touched the lives of more than 110,000 children and youth.

Generations For Peace Media Team
Tel: +962 6 569 1248