
Rectification from FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter

In connection with the interview with FIFA General Secretary Michel Zen-Ruffinen printed in the 18 April edition of Swiss daily newspaper ‘Le Temps’, FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter would like to clarify the following:

‘The Internal Audit Committee (IAC) was suspended on 11 April due to a breach of confidentiality, as was communicated in a FIFA media release on 12 April.

‘With regard to the IAC’s questioning of the General Secretary, I stressed on 23 March 2002 in the second point of a letter to the chairman of the IAC, David Will, that ‘… the persons to be interviewed by the IAC shall also include the FIFA General Secretary who is, according to Art. 47 of the FIFA Statutes, ‘responsible for managing and keeping the accounts of the Federation’.’

‘In this letter I also emphasised ‘ … it is not my intention to hinder the work of the IAC. On the contrary, it is my wish to assist the IAC in order to have full transparency in the finances of FIFA. However, certain principles, established by the Executive Committee, by the FIFA Statutes and by Swiss law, as well as principles of confidentiality in financial matters must be respected.’

For further information please contact:

Fifa Communications Division
Andreas Herren
T: +41 1254 9725