Eventis Sports Marketing and Roluvents (the Belgium-based promoters of the 2003 World Open) have joined forces to purchase the PSA-endorsed McWil Courtwall Glass squash court. The court will be showcased for the first time at the forthcoming ISS Canary Wharf Squash Classic in March.
Angus Kirkland, of Eventis, said: “Eventis are delighted to be partnering with Roluvents on this venture. Not only are they experienced promoters they also have vast court building knowledge. The court allows both companies to have control over their events and we look forward to working with them on this and other projects into the future.”
PSA Executive Director Gawain Briars added: “PSA are delighted that Eventis have shown their long-term commitment to the sport through the purchase of the PSA-endorsed McWIL Courtwall portable glass court. We are sure that the professionalism and enthusiasm they have shown in their own events will be passed on to those events that take advantage of the new Eventis/Roluvents court partnership.”
Luc Mattens of Roluvents further endorsed this, stating: “Roluvents is proud to be partnering with Eventis, a company led by people who have shown to have a heart for squash as a sport. They have proven this by playing the sport in a professional way and now they do so by creating opportunities to elevate this sport on a place where it belongs. Together with Eventis we are sure that we can achieve these goals in Europe and maybe further.”
McWIL Courtwall CEO Wolfgang Denk added: “McWIL Courtwall is delighted that Eventis/Roluvents has chosen its PSA-endorsed tournament court to showcase their events. The supplied court is the same as the one we provide for the US, Canadian and Bermuda Opens. The promoter of the Kuwait Open has also recently purchased from McWIL Courtwall so the Eventis/Roluvents endorsement is very welcome.”
The court will be available to fellow promoters, and all enquiries should be forwarded to Angus Kirkland at mailtakirkland@eventis-sports.com or 00353 86 384 5746. See http://www.eventis-sports.com/
Issued on behalf of: PSA For further information: Howard Harding
Tel: (44) 1737-243333 or (mobile) (44) 7773-325130 Fax: (44) 870-706 5253
WSQ 2684 Email: HowHard@aol.com 15 February 2005