
Eurosport Events, the FIA WTCC promoter, has released a media report from Repucom after the first 6 events of the 2014 season. All three indicators are showing an uptrend: broadcast time, cumulative audience and media impact. 

 Broadcast time has increased from the 2013 season by 9,6%, with 546 hours of international broadcast delivered over first 6 events;

 Media impact has increased by 42,5% over 2013 season. This was due to better audiences for the dedicated coverage, but also due to an improved presence in news programs, despite the strong competition from the FIFA World Cup;  

 Live broadcasts ratings on Eurosport raised by 40% over 2013, the strongest growth year on year over last 10 years;  

 All in all, cumulative audience of the first 6 events raised by 33% across 92 different channels worldwide of which, 61 free to air channels and 31 on cable or satellite channels, or pan-regional channels in over 188 countries.


Ulrich Lacher, Global Director Enterprise Services – REPUCOM, explained: "The WTCC media figures are very encouraging and illustrate a sustained development as the series continues to grow. Repucom expects that this positive trend will continue until end of the season, as extensive South American coverage started on pan regional basis at Spa, and Chinese broadcasters are expected to start showing significant coverage of the early season races when WTCC moves to Asia, as observed over the last 5 years’’.


Francois Ribeiro, Eurosport Events COO, commented: 

"New generation of cars, new teams, new drivers, real racing : WTCC did not lose its DNA by switching to new TC1 technical regulations. It also offers a better show on TV: live, compact, understandable and entertaining for viewers. It’s good to see that the hard work placed by FIA, Eurosport Events and WTCC teams is paying-off with uptrend media coverage."