
The Dubai Sports Council (DSC) has called on all sports events organizers to join its 'Sports Event Ranking System' that was launched earlier this year. Entities have been called to register with the ‘Sports Event Ranking System’ during a press conference held on Sunday at the DSC premises.

The System was launched to enhance the standards of sports events organization and to ensure that these events align with the both the Government of Dubai’s 'Strategy 2021' and the Dubai Sports Council’s (DSC) 2011-2015 strategic plans.

Addressing the media was Nasser Aman Al Rahma, Director, Sports Events Department at DSC and Hessa Al Kous, Manager, Sports Events Planning Section, DSC.

Nasser Aman Al Rahma explained that by virtue of the Decree No. 11, 2009, issued by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, gives the Council the full authority to supervise, monitor and approve the staging of sports events within the Emirate.

DSC has also been authorized to oversee the management of sports events as per the directives of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of DSC, who instructs respective bodies to implement the highest of standards in all fields aiming to attain the directives laid forth in the ‘Dubai Strategic Plan 2021’.

Nasser Aman Al Rahma referred that the Sports Events Ranking System is to come into effect as of September 1 explaining that the system has been preceded by a workshop, addressing both international and national sports events professionals, confirming that the system is the first of its kind worldwide, which endeavors to ensure that respective events meet necessary conditions and comply to quality regulations.

"Arranging distinctive sports events is one of the most eminent articles in DSC’s strategic plan, the goals of which to be attained via raising the standards of sports events management and popularizing the culture of work in the respective field. DSC believes in the eminent role of the private sector to contribute in events management and organization, and thus we are keen to support and encourage the great efforts of private entities to present their roles toward sports and the communities," Al Rahma said.

"In DSC, we provide services as per the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, based on his statement "We endeavor to communicate with people before they come to us. We are keen to bridge gaps and brief time. We have offered invitations to companies to attend the workshop, held recently with participation of international experts, hoping to reflect the vision of Dubai to the entire world."

Detailed Information on Mode of Registration: Ms. Hessa Al-Kous, Manager of Sports Events Planning in DSC, presented a detailed explanation on the how-to’s of registration in the Sports Events Ranking System. She said that the registration process includes a two part procedure: First is to register the entity itself by including all relative information about the nature of the entity and the Second is by registering the Sport Event itself. Once all documents are completed, the SERS Team will in turn send a message to the respective entities stating that submitted documents have been completed.

The Ranking System’s conditions specify the standard of event management. It classifies events into five categories; a Star system.

The Sports Event Ranking System classifies sports events into five categories: Events Development, Economic Development, Sports Development, Social Development and Brand Development.

The system relies on information to be provided through three sources, namely the DSC which fills the survey at the end of the event; the Organizer, which is also assigned to submit a survey at the end of the event and general survey to be filled in during the event.

The system measures the level of the importance of each of the 13 criteria, which are applied on the five categories of the events, based on Dubai Government strategy 2021 and DSC’s strategic plan.

In sports development, the sports practice standards system to be adopted, so that events may discover new sports talents in the various sports games, enhance relations between figures and multi-nationalities in Dubai, offer opportunities to volunteers and disabled to participate in arrangement of events.

In brand development, the event’s contribution is evaluated according to the level of reflecting the Emirate of Dubai as a favorite sports destination and boosting the status of the Emirate in the sports events organization field. The level of local and international media coverage is one of the eminent factors to evaluate respective events.