
Madrid, February 3rd 2005  
The IOC Evaluation Commission has started at 9am this morning its meetings with the Madrid 2012 representatives. The President of the Government of Spain, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, the President of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, the Mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon, and the President of the Spanish Olympic Committee, Jose Maria Echevarria, have officially opened the sessions.

Feliciano Mayoral, President-CEO of Madrid 2012; Manuel Cobo, Deputy Mayor of Madrid; HRH Pilar de Borbon and Juan Antonio Samaranch Salisachs, Spanish IOC members; Juan Antonio Samaranch, Honorary President for Life; Iñaki Urdangarin, Vice-President of the Spanish Olympic Committee; Maria Jose Sansegundo, Minister of Education; Miguel Carballeda, President of the Spanish Paralympics Committee; Jaime Lissavetzky, State Secretary for Sport; and Trinidad Jimenez and Ines Sabanes, representatives of the opposition groups in the City Council of Madrid; together with members of the Madrid 2012 Olympic Office, have also attended this opening session.

During his speech in the presence of the Commission members, Rodriguez Zapatero has stated that, actually, “nothing unites Spain better than Madrid 2012”. In the subsequent press conference, the President of the Government of Spain has explained that he told the commissioners that his government absolutely supports Madrid bid. He has added that the success of the Games is guaranteed because of the current economic situation in Spain.

On his part, Ruiz-Gallardon has thanked the Government and the Community of Madrid for “showing” their support “in the presence of” the Evaluation Commission, to which he has explained the political and economic climate and structure. The Mayor has also wanted to tell that, for the Games, “there will be a unique command that will be dependent on the Ministry of the Interior, and the other administrations will put all our forces at its disposal”.

Regarding the second aspect he has been asked about by the commissioners, the Mayor of Madrid has stated that the municipal company which will be on charge of the sports infrastructures construction “will be public and the three administrations will take part in it”.

While Rodriguez Zapatero and Ruiz-Gallardon were doing these statements, the meetings have continued in the Madrid Hall of the Eurobuilding hotel. The Madrid 2012 representatives have explained other subjects to the thirteen members of the Commission, Olympic Games concept and legacy, environment and meteorology, security, finance, accommodation and transport. Due to a delay at the beginning of the day, the presentation of legal aspects will finally take place tomorrow.

Once the official sessions have finished, Feliciano Mayoral, President-CEO of Madrid 2012, and Manuel Cobo, Deputy Mayor of Madrid, have explained the main subjects discussed throughout the day in a press briefing. Mayoral has stated that, after ten hours of hard work, Madrid bid “is even stronger now”. He has added that “every question has been satisfactory answered and we have been able to explain which project we want for our city”.

In the same press conference, Cobo has emphasized the wide knowledge the commissioners have about Madrid’s project. “As we already knew, in this visit it is not enough with a brief view to the project, we need to talk about every detail of the bid. We exactly know what we are talking about” The Deputy Mayor has pointed out that “the quality of the project” let us “answer every question satisfactory” and offer them “all the complementary documents” that is requested.

The Evaluation Commission will continue its activities tomorrow attending presentations about sports and venues, Olympic Village, Paralympics, plus the legal aspect presentation that could not take place today. After these meetings, the thirteen members will start their visits to the different venues, specifically, the Olympic Ring and its facilities (Stadium, Aquatic Centre, Velodrome and Pavilion), the Olympic Village fields, the IFEMA Fair Trade Grounds and the new Barajas terminal.  
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