The 2004 Annual General Meeting of the International DanceSport Federation (IDSF) re-elected President Rudolf Baumann of Zurich, Switzerland, to the third three year
term. The elections were held in the Auditorium of the Olympic Museum, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 20, 2004.
Two members of the Presidium offered to step down at this Annual General Meeting: Rita Thomas, of Sheffield, England, due to ill health, and Antero Koponen, of Helsinki, Finland, due to other commitments.
Voting by secret ballot, 123 delegates representing 53 countries ratified Mr. Baumann’s wishes to elect the ‘slate’ of his ‘dream team’:
President: Rudolf Baumann Switzerland
1st Vice-President: Harald Frahm Germany
General Secretary: Carlos Freitag Spain
Treasurer: Lukas Hinder Switzerland
Sports Director: Heinz Spaeker Germany
2nd Vice-President: Natasa Ambroz Slovenia
Ordinary Members:
Vince Bain Australia (New)
Pavel Dorokhov Russia
Jim Fraser Canada
Shawn Tay Singapore (New)
Tony Tilenni Australia
Keiji Ukai Japan
The DanceSport federations of 81 countries are represented in IDSF. In 1997 IDSF received Full Recognition from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as the sole worldwide representative body for DanceSport.
For more details contact:
Dr. Johannes Biba, IDSF Communications Director, Kochgasse 9/16, A-1080 Vienna, Austria;
Tel.: ++43 1 402 80 70; Fax: ++43 1 402 80 73,;