
Super League (Europe) Limited Acting Chief Executive Ian Robson made the following comment in respect of “The Rugby League Coaches Association”. Robson said, “We are disturbed to read the comments attributed to John Kear in his new position of ‘Rugby League Coaches Association’ President. “We share the aims of improving and developing British Rugby League at all levels and in all aspects of the sport in the UK. However, we fail to see how a trade union can properly represent its members when it openly discriminates against a significant number of them. What is important to our competition is that we get the very best people to teach Rugby League skills to our players.” Robson added, “For that reason, we would oppose including coaches in clubs’ overseas quotas. Indeed we actually feel that for the whole game to continue the solid on-field improvement it is making, then the only criteria a coach should have to meet is ability. “In terms of enhancing the skills, physical conditioning and game awareness of players, excellence in coaching is the critical factor – not where the coach comes from.” He concluded, “It’s a different matter for players and with all Tetley’s Bitter Super League club Player Development staff now working within the RFL’s newly created structure, we are confident the number of quality British players in all sections of the game will increase.” For further information please contact: Andrew Whitelam on Tel: 0113 244 1114 Fax: 0113 2441110 Mobile: 0370 993366