
The London 2012 bid to bring the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games to London in 2012 is in great shape and building momentum, bid leader Lord Coe announced today.

Lord Coe, London 2012 Chairman said:

‘Since becoming Bid Chairman I have made a number of changes to refocus the bid.

‘Our task is to develop a winning bid. We have brought in additional Olympic expertise to support our work on the candidate file with the aim of moving our bid into pole position.

‘We are getting real momentum behind the bid and the latest feedback we have had from the international sporting community, following our presentation in Doha, has been very encouraging.

‘Yesterday we unveiled our four week transport blueprint which has received a resounding ‘thumbs up’ from one of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games’ transport strategists.

‘We are stepping up the profile of the bid and today’s logo and banner launches are an example of the steps we are taking to build greater awareness across London and the UK.

‘I have been particularly encouraged by our latest polling which shows the best level of public support since the bid was launched. We also have great support from all our stakeholders and the business community who want to see us win this bid.

‘The bid team is in good shape and we are looking forward to developing a winning campaign over the next 12 months.’

London 2012 Vice-Chairman, Barbara Cassani added:

‘I am 100% committed to London’s bid to win the honour of staging the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. The team put together over the last year is strong and committed and I will continue to offer my support as a Vice-Chairman and member of the Bid Board.’

For further information: The London 2012 Press Office – 020 7093 5100 or Mike Lee on 07775677408