
A prolonged spell of uncharacteristically warm Alpine weather has provoked a string of event cancellations, including yesterday’s FIS World Cup Slaloms in Les Arcs and Maribor.

Regrettably, The 2001 British Land National Ski Championships, scheduled to take place in Saalbach-Hinterglemm next week (13 – 19 January), are the latest casualty of the unseasonal temperatures and resulting poor snow conditions.

After much consideration, the British Ski & Snowboard Federation, in consultation with their longterm championship sponsor, The British Land Company PLC, last night reached the difficult decision to postpone their premier Alpine event.

It is our intention to reschedule the event for later in the season.

Details of date and venue will be confirmed within the next fortnight.

The British Land Alpine Ski Team continue to chase the snow and our leading slalom skiers Alain Baxter and Johnny Moulder-Brown prepare in Grindelwald, Switzerland, for Sunday’s Classic World Cup Slalom in Wengen.

For further information please contact:

Fiona McNeilly or Jen Kirkwood

Tel: 0131 445 7676.