
The Bank of Scotland is extending its support of Scottish athletics with a significant investment in the Norwich Union International at Kelvin Hall in Glasgow on Saturday 24th January. It’s the third time that the Bank of Scotland has been involved in UK Athletics televised events in Scotland.

This increased support comes off the back of the extremely successful Bank of Scotland Talented Young Athlete Programme, which was launched in 1999 and has gone on to provide over 120 young athletes per year with substantial support and training.

Marc Hope the Head of Business Development at Fast Track – the sports marketing agency for UK Athletics – has welcomed the Bank of Scotland’s extended commitment to the sport.

‘UK Athletics is thrilled that The Bank of Scotland continues to develop its involvement in the UKA televised events in Scotland – realising they are the perfect vehicle to showcase their Scottish Grassroots Scheme’

Bank of Scotland Sponsorship Manager, Torquil Macleod, said;

‘Bank of Scotland is committed to supporting promotion and development of sport in Scotland and delighted to extend our support for Scottish athletics and the Talented Young Athletes Programme to include the Norwich Union International. It’s an exciting event and a great opportunity to see some of the world’s top athletes in action prior to the Olympics’

For more information, contact:

Marc Hope at Fast Track – Tel: 020 7932 1700