
Augsburg / 14 August 2006 – The Public Works Department in Augsburg has decided to expand its sponsoring commitment for FC Augsburg. Effective immediately, it has signed up as the club’s new exclusive partner. FCA fans will benefit most from the deal, since they will now be able to use their stadium admission tickets for public transport services to take them to home matches on the Works Department’s local transport network – for three hours before a match and two hours after it. The agreement is part of an advertising contract brokered by SPORTFIVE, the FCA’s marketing agency, which provides for broad advertising representation for the Augsburg Works Department in connection with this traditional Bavarian football club. In addition to the extensive placement of its logo around the Rosenau Stadium, the deal also entails TV-relevant pitch-side advertising, VIP tickets as well as a variety of half-time and promotion activities for the sponsor.

“We are very pleased to be able to offer our loyal fans this fabulous service by the Public Works Department starting next Monday,” Andreas Rettig, general manager of FC Augsburg, explains. “This deal proves once more just how close collaborations with our long-standing partner have become over time.”

“To make it as easy as possible for supporters to travel to see their favourite club,” says Jürgen Dillmann, press spokesman for the Augsburg Works Department, “we intend to adapt our transportation schedule before and after fixtures on home-match days in accordance with the figures provided to us by FCA on the anticipated number of travellers. We look forward to continuing our good and long-standing co-operations with FC Augsburg.”

“The Augsburg Works Department has long been an integral part of the scene at the Rosenau Stadium,” Christian Kothe, head of the SPORTFIVE team in Augsburg, commented. “The two partners do, however, also collaborate in a lot of ways that extend beyond the fixed contract agreements as such.”

Please feel free to contact us if you would like more information.

Caroliene Götz
Vice President Corporate Communications
Tel.: +49 40 376 77-110
Fax: +49 40 376 77-115