
In response to the International Rugby Board’s Press Release on Friday regarding the ‘Maximising Rugby’s Value’ proposal, it is correct to state that this is not an officially sanctioned review of the future direction of the sport.

However, the IRB and National Unions do not have a monopoly on ideas and to suggest that in an increasingly competitive and constantly changing commercial environment that the IRB in their own words will only ‘incorporate official input from IRB member unions’ is short sighted.

While the proposal may have been unsolicited, it has the
support of a number of integral figures within rugby and the commercial world who are not straitjacketed by the restraints of governing body status.

It is evident upon examining Maximising Rugby’s Value that
the proposition (Global Super Rugby) will take rugby to a
wider global audience whilst generating estimated annual
revenues exceeding US$250 million for the sport.

The proposal clearly outlines the varied state of health of all domestic and international rugby competitions and
indicates how Global Super Rugby would work alongside them to enhance the currently fragmented season. As well as creating a truly global rugby calendar, the proposal would underwrite the future growth of rugby which, if it continues on its current path, could disintegrate into a series of uncompetitive tournaments and competitions of little value to either fans or commercial partners.

The potential developments outlined in ‘Maximising Rugby’s
Value’ would see rugby emerge as a truly global sport with a fan base spread across the world. It outlines a global
strategy to grow the game over the next 5, 10, 20 years and beyond.

‘Maximising Rugby’s Value’ invites anyone interested in the future prosperity of rugby, be it from the playing or
supporting side of the game including commercial partners and other interested parties, to forward on and examine the attached proposal and convey their thoughts to the IRB and their respective National Unions.


Mark Lynch
+44 7901 821 231