QINGDAO – On 23 August, the 8th AUSF General Assembly was held at the Huangdao District, Qingdao, China. Out of the 35 AUSF members, 22 participated in the meeting.
Besides that, FISU First Vice-President Oleg MATYTSIN as the special representative of the FISU President, FISU Vice-President Stefan BERGH, EUSA Vice President as well FISU Vice President Leonz EDER, FASU President as well FISU Assessor M. Michael RALETHE and other FISU Assessors KIM Chong Yang, Verena BURK, Tai-Cheng CHEN, Marian DYMALSKI and Laurent BRIEL from FISU Secretariat were also present at the meeting.
According to the meeting Agenda, the reports from President, Secretary General, Treasurer, and Sub-regional Chairs were listened to. In his report, AUSF President ZHANG Xinsheng expressed the gratitude to FISU for its support, as well as to the other fellow continental federations for attending the assembly. He especially sent his best regards to the West Africa countries, who are suffering the Ebola virus. He wished the people there can overcome it and everything will be in order soon. He also thanked AUSF members for their unfailing commitment and dedication, which led the rapid growth of AUSF. In the report, he reiterated that AUSF should focus on exploring the core products and value, and strive to establish a closer link with National University Sports Federation, university leaders and students, local governments, sponsors as well as the media, who would comprise the five stakeholders of AUSF events. In his report, the Secretary-General Kenny Chow reviewed the achievement made in the last two years and reported the 2014-2015 calendar, encouraging the members to participate more actively. In the following, Treasurer SEETOW reported the current financial situation of AUSF and introduced the FISU guidance on Continental University Sports Federations (CUSF), which should be followed in submitting the projects.
During the General Assembly, 2 items made the meeting more productive, the set-up of AUSF Education and Development Center and the affiliation of Iraq as new AUSF member. The center will be located in Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, aiming to strength the communication between AUSF and its members, to provide training for coaches, referees, administrators and to better promote the core values or AUSF. With Iraq’s joining, the number of AUSF members was increased to 36.
The 1st Vice President of FISU, Oleg MATYTSIN in the name of the President Claude-Louis Gallien said a few words about the FISU and the importance of the AUSF for FISU. At the end of his speech he presented the FISU official plaques to the President of the AUSF, Mr. Zhang Xinsheng, and also to Vice-president of the FUSC, Mr. XUE Yanqing and to Muhamad Mohd Hanif, Secretary-General of the ASEAN University Sports Council.
In the afternoon session, Stefan BERGH made a presentation on FISU, especially FISU’s strategic guidance on CUSFs. He mentioned that in the past and next few years, several Universiades were and will be hosted in Asia, so are the championships and educational programmes. He thanked AUSF members for the contribution. He introduced FISU’s strategic guidance on CUSFs, on how to establish and maintain the communication and social network, how to promote FISU and CUSF events, how to evaluate the events, etc., which will better connect FISU and CUSFs.
Considering the 2015 Summer Universiade and the 2017 Winter Universiade will be hosted in Asia by Gwangju of Korea and Almaty of Kazakhstan respectively, an opportunity was provided for the Organzing Committees to update their preparation. The meeting ended with the Presentation from Dankook University of Korea on the AUSF Intensive Training Programme scheduled from the end of 2015 to early January of 2016, which is the first training programme of AUSF.