
The football associations of Brunei Darussalam, Denmark and New Zealand are set to receive first Goal projects after gaining the approval of the Goal Bureau during its meeting in Zurich chaired by Mohamed Bin Hammam (Qatar) on 17 February 2005. Second projects in Ghana, Mali, Trinidad and Tobago, Surinam, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Fiji, Tonga, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Lithuania also received the go-ahead.

This brings the total number of FIFA members to benefit from the

Goal Programme to 172 and the number of projects that have been completed or have been approved and are in the planning stage to 207.

The brainchild of FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter to help associations in practical ways,

Goal was endorsed by the Extraordinary FIFA Congress in Los Angeles in 1999. Goal projects are tailor-made to suit the needs and priorities of individual associations and have included the building and refurbishment of association headquarters to safeguard the independence of football administrations, the construction of technical centres, and the provision of all-weather artificial pitches to raise standards and boost the facilities available at national and regional level.

Further information from:

FIFA Media Department – tel.: +41-43/222 7272, fax: +41-43/222 7373,