
Laurent Puons, chief executive of SPORTEL, previews the 2019 spring market edition of the convention in Macau.

Tell us about the decision to take the Spring Convention to Macau for the first time? 

Macau is a vibrant city ideally situated for our community to come together in the Far East. Asia will play host to many of the world’s most important global sporting events and therefore SPORTEL needs to be in Asia to help our members to develop business.

Other than a new location, what will experienced attendees find new about SPORTELAsia 2019?

This year we have made a number of changes to make SPORTELAsia different to all of our other events. We have new tailor made exhibitor packages to help all types of businesses maximise their ROI, an exhibition floor with more networking areas and conference programme events dedicated to the growing esports market.  

What do you expect to be the ‘buzz words’ coming out of the Macau convention?

I am sure it will continue to be about technology and its impact on the consumer. Now we have so much choice how we consume content and engage with our favourite sports. I have no doubt that this trend will continue and I look forward to learning what the leading players in the industry have in store for us this year. 

What potential do you see in Asia that necessitates an annual convention there? 

Asia is the home of the majority of the world’s population, has a diverse array of exciting cultures and a great passion for sport. Add the fantastic innovations in technology and you have a very exciting environment to develop business.

What are the current opportunities for sports broadcasters in Asia?

Asia is the home of some of the most passionate sports fans in the world and they want to watch and engage with their local, regional and international sports teams and heroes. With so many emerging markets across Asia Pacific, new fans are created every day, with millions still to come!

You have the SPORTELSummits in Miami now, but does this mark the end of the biennial Spring event in North America? 

For now, SPORTEL Conventions are committed to developing the business of sport across Asia Pacific but its definitely not the end of Spring Conventions in North America.