
The ESA Diploma is the only academic qualification designed specifically for the needs of the sponsorship industry

The European Sponsorship Association (ESA), the membership body that raises standards within the sponsorship profession, has today opened up enrolment for the 2020 ESA Diploma.

As a qualification that is tailored specifically to the needs of the sponsorship practitioner, the ESA Diploma has delivered knowledge and insight to over 350 graduates since 2012.

The ESA Diploma has been carefully crafted  in order to allow the student to study remotely, alongside their day job. This means that the six modules and seminars (between mid-January and August), plus associated project work, can be realistically tackled and delivered with minimum impact on day-to-day working life.

Of course, prospective graduates will still need to put in the effort to succeed, but we’ve done everything possible to make the ESA Diploma accessible to everyone, from graduates and junior account execs right through to senior managers.

The modules cover everything from sponsorship regulation, strategy and personality management to activation, crisis management and research and evaluation techniques.

The ESA Diploma is now firmly established as the only industry-wide and 100% relevant sponsorship qualification. You can read more about the syllabus, download the brochure, or enrol now for the 2020 course commencing January.


Note to editors:

About the European Sponsorship Association:
The European Sponsorship Association (ESA) is a membership association whose mission is to inspire, unite and grow the sponsorship industry for the benefit of its members. ESA does this through education, guidance, representation, the recognition of excellence and the sharing of best practice and performance. Its many activities, which include policy, governance and corporate responsibility, education and training, information, networking and the ESA Awards, all have these goals as their core objectives.

ESA’s reach encompasses all types of sponsorship activity from sport, broadcast, education, the arts and culture through to environment and the community. Its membership includes sponsors, rights holders, agencies and consultants, professional advisors and suppliers.

For more information please contact:
Charlie Staerck
Marcomms & Events Manager – European Sponsorship Association (ESA)
e: | t: +44 (0)20 8390 3311 |