
The RFU confirmed today that the long form agreement, loan agreement and all relevant schedules have now been finalised. A joint covering letter from the Chairman of the Management Board, Brian Baister, and the Chairman of Club England, Fran Cotton, will be distributed with a copy of the agreement to EFDR clubs tomorrow (Tuesday). The letter urges all parties concerned to reassemble in the belief that a meeting can settle all outstanding issues.

Francis Baron said, ‘Now that the long form agreement has been finalised we wish to meet EFDR this week to iron out any final issues and sign the agreement. Once the agreement has been signed the loan funding to clubs
can be drawn down.’

For more details contact:

Adrian Firth
RFU Media Relations Manager
(W) 020 8831 6558
(M) 077 3041 7755
(F) 020 8891 4461